Santo Agostinho Square
Opening hours : 24 hours
Bus routes nearby: 3, 3X, 4, 6A, 8A, 18A, 19, 26A, 33, N1A
World Heritage Sites Nearby: Sir Robert Ho Tung Library, St. Augustine's Church, Dom Pedro V Theatre
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How many World Heritage sites are there in the picture?
From the “Leal Senado” building, follow the ramp side and arrive at St. Augustine's Square. There are 4 world heritage spots, and the fifth world heritage spot is hidden in St. Augustine's Square.
The first is: St. Augustine's Square; the second is: Sir Robert Ho Tung Library; the third is: St. Augustine's Church; the fourth is: Dom Pedro V Theatre. The fifth one is very special, can only be seen, can not enter.
For the fifth location, please see the next article : St. Joseph's Seminary and Church
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